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Martin Nipen
Aylesbury, Bucks


How did you find Brisca F1 Stock Cars?
I raced for the Haddenham Stock Car Club

What gave you the incentive to race
Seeing other members of the club race and just wanting to have a go.

First Car - Built, Bought or Borrowed
My car was bought from Ginger Wallace ex 211 and was built by Geoff Weston

Memory of your first race.

Best Racing Memory
The only time I finished in the points! 10th in the white top race and 6th in the grand national at Long Eaton.

Worst Racing Memory
Not being able to race!

Reason for Retiring
Got engaged!

After Retiring - What Then?
After retiring my car was sold to Bob Boddington ex 196 also a Haddenham club member. I did consider a return a few years later and purchased the Mick Robinson ex 159 car, which was rotting in Don Evett ex 349 field, but due to one thing or another it never happened. That car was sold to Malcolm Olley ex 287 for his son I Think. I have now been a keen supporter of F 1 stock car since 1964 until today and go to Coventry and Northampton and all World Finals.

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