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Ed Duckett
Coventry, West Midlands


How did you find Brisca F1 Stock Cars?
Back in the 50s, I made pals with the one and only Johnny Goodhall [the Gimp] who as soon as we met introduced me to his passion of F1 Stock Cars

What gave you the incentive to race
Johnny was all the incentive I required!

First Car - Built, Bought or Borrowed
Between us we built my first car. With loads of arc welding rods and a £5 Jaguar 3.8 engine and gearbox [no funds for big yank V8s in those days] just lots of sweat and midnight oil.

Memory of your first race.
We set out to my first meeting at Covenrty. Off the line for the first time into my first corner i thought wow we built a flyer, can you imagine my face when the likes of Jim Potter,Doug Wardropper,Ellis Ford,and the rest of the field passed me as if i was going backwards. We have a lot learn and a lot of heartache before i can race with these guys was my first thought.

Best Racing Memory
After a lot of sweat and tears and a big V8 lump i managed to win my first race at Cadwell Park, I never could be one of the stars but my love of the sport and all the friends i made kept me going. With a young wife and family and little cash it was hard to keep racing but with their support we were racing most Saturday nights.

Worst Racing Memory
My worst memory was a Saturday night a Belle Vue . I managed to save all my cash and purchase a Ford 7 litre V8 at a princely sum of £150; In those days my take home pay was £25 a week, the engine transformed my then new car and for the first time in all my years of racing i felt competitive.... first heat i came 3rd! I remember Willy Wanklyn came up to me in the pits and asked me what was under my hood and wished me luck in the  final , he was genuine and meant it with a lot of kindness i will always remember him for this. Three laps into the final the engine gave way and chucked a piston and rod thru the crank case. To be fair to my family my racing days were over, time to think of my them.

Reason for Retiring
See previous answer.

After Retiring - What Then?
I returned to racing in 1987 in Go Karts, 250 Super Karts for some fun and ended up producing my own chassis called the EDR [Ed Duckett Racing] and drove myself with some success and a hell of a lot of fun. I ended my working days test driving for Jaguar [never out of your blood] and have now been retired 6 years. To anyone who remembers me all the very best i will drink your health!

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