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Anthony Brown
Liversedge, West Yorks


How did you find Brisca F1 Stock Cars?
First new about stockcars when my dad took us to watch my uncle Ken Brown #35 at Odsal

What gave you the incentive to race
Incentive to race came from my uncle Ken and cousin Mal. I also mechaniced for the late Allan Barker #179, Stock Car Racing was my passion from being a kid and it was a progression from all that.

First Car - Built, Bought or Borrowed
First car was bought, the Frankie Waiman - John Russell #140 car

Memory of your first race.
My first race was at Odsal; it was weird I had never raced anything before let alone an f1 car! I never even tested the car anywhere, I even started with the whites at the front and not from the back like a novice. The car had been stood for long time, and though it ticked over ok at full revs it kept cutting out fuel problems, I felt like I was real moving but i was so slow! steep learning curve!

Best Racing Memory
The best racing memory has to be at Skegness when i came 2nd in my heat.  One of the only times we got the car to perform and handle properly.

Worst Racing Memory
Worst racing memory which one! There were a few maybe the day after my Skeggy 2nd. It was a weekend meeting and went out to win my heat this time, but I was a bit green from the amber nectar downed the night before celebrating my 2nd place and went in too hard too early trying to take the lead and spun myself out, the meeting went from bad to worse.

Reason for Retiring
Private and finacial reasons

After Retiring - What Then?
Would love to have another go but getting a bit long in the tooth? maybe my son Jordan will race in the future, for now i will watch from the terraces!!

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